FitCamp@home  - 7 Day Sugar Free Challenge

Are you all set for the challenge?

Please take a look at the preparation information below especially if you are doing the workouts.

If you have any further questions then please post them in the Combined Fitness Challenge  Facebook page .

In order to access the secret group you need to be a friend of mine on facebook.

If you aren’t already my friend on Facebook send me a friend request – click the link to find me Kerry Eddie

THEN you can request to join the secret group

The link will not work until I have accepted your friend request.

Workout Preparation

Prior to taking part in the first session I need you to complete the PARQ Medical & Consent Form. Please download and read the disclaimer below then complete the online PAR Q form to say that you agree with the disclaimer  form BEFORE you do your first workout

(Your responses to the Physical Activity Readiness & Medical Questionnaire may require you to consult your doctor (GP) before it is safe for you to start exercising with us).

  • Disclaimer

    Please download and read the document then complete the PAR Q and consent form below to say that you agree with the disclaimer


The Workouts

The workouts will be  10-12 minute blocks of work.   The exercises are all body weight only.

ALL of the workouts use  High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
This is a training method  that involves a period of really hard (intense) activity (work) followed by a short period of rest or active recovery.  The process is then repeated a number of times.
The main advantages of using interval training over other methods such as continuous training (traditional cardio work) are that it allows you to get fitter faster, burn more fat & get stronger.

The workouts will be in a mix of formats including follow along video and written challenges  so that you can do the workout offline.

Those not familiar with the exercises please use the exercise library to get a visual & audio explanation of how to do the exercise correctly.



    Link to the exercise library. The exercises in Red are needed for this week.
    Watch the videos & have a practice at each of the exercises.

  • Warm Up
    Warm Up

    Make sure that you warm up before doing the workouts.
    Here is a short warm up that you can use.

  • Warm up video


Food Diary
You need to keep a daily food diary to ensure that you stay on track - you can download & use the sheets below.
Record exactly what you ate, the amount (including cooking oil & dressing) the time, where you were, how you felt before & after eating.

If you are looking to drop some body fat on this challenge it is a good idea to take some starting body measurements & photos as body shape changes are not always reflected on the scales.


Use a non-stretch measuring tape and measure in centimetres at the following sites:

1. Both upper arms - mid-point of the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow.

2. Chest.

3. Waist - the slimmest part.

4. Hips & stomach - biggest part below the belly button.

5. Both thighs - mid point of the thigh between the hip and the knee.
Now add all of the measurements together to give your TOTAL MEASUREMENT (Inches or cm)

Weight – on scales in minimal clothes.



You do not HAVE to show them to anyone else but DO TAKE THEM as you will regret it if you don’t.
Most people feel uncomfortable taking them but it is worth it. Trust me
Photos – take pictures in tight fitting clothes or crop top & shorts. From:
Front view
Back view
Side view

It is over to You!

This needs to be all or nothing - No Cheating – You must give it 1000% - everything that you have got.
It can not be ”I’ll follow it today but I’m out tonight so will have a glass of wine” or “I’m feeling down and need a sweet fix.”


It’s up to you now. Lets go for it.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

  • Stretches

    EASY DAY - 30 mins walking and 30 mins stretching