Tier 3 - 10 minute Workouts - Week 3
These are workouts from the Original Fat Loss Acceleration Programme - FLAP
Complete the workouts in the correct order.
Some of the workouts do include the use of a skipping rope, gliders, dumbells, step & swiss ball. The exercises can be performed without the equipment.
Skipping - do high knee sprints on the spot.
Dumbells - use filled 4pint plastic milk bottles
Swiss Ball - Just use the floor or a large cushion
Step - floor , low table, edge of the sofa or bottom stair.
Gliders - Paper plates on a smooth floor - plastic plates or hotel room service menus! on carpet.
Day 15 - Workout 15 - 30s/5s x15 - Full Body HIIT with Wt & Step
Day 16 - Workout 16 - 50s/10s - Squats & core
Day 17 - Workout 17 - 50s/10s - Burpee & abs
Day 18 - Workout 19 - 50s/10s - Wts & abs
Day 19 - Workout 20 - 50s/10s - Skipping & burpee matrix 3
Day 20 - Workout 21 - 40s/10s- 12 exercise Full Body HIIT
Day 21 - Rest
20 minute walk - stretches & foam rolling - see Workout Support