Create the energy & power to overcome the fears & frustrations that are holding you back & become the greatest version of YOU

If you're like me your life has revolved around your family, your work or business. You’ve spent years putting everyone else first leaving you with very little time or energy to look after yourself. As a result you feel exhausted, stressed, out of shape, out of love with your self and it’s having an impact on your relationships and happiness.
You may be feeling lonely and invisible because your partner works away, your children have grown up or your relationships haven’t worked out.
You may have all the material things that you want but inside YOU just don't feel fulfilled.
Whatever, has brought you to this point, you know that you need CHANGE and that you deserve to feel good about yourself and your life.
You want to feel body confident and proud, you want to feel younger and have more energy, you want better relationships, you want more from life.
I get it, as former Commonwealth Games athlete & Great Britain Team coach who then became a mum and business owner I fell into a rut of not looking after myself.
I was struggling day to day to balance my commitments and stay in control. I needed help as my health, business and relationships were seriously suffering. I sought help from some of the top coaches in the world and managed to turn things around so dramatically that I felt it was my moral obligation to share what I'd learnt with other women, and have been ever since.
I’ve used my 26 years of experience in elite sport, fitness, education, coaching and mentoring to bring together the tools and strategies used by high performers in sport and business to push themselves and stay in control into a system that everyday people can use in their lives to achieve outstanding results.
You can have an athletes mentality without being an athlete. You can have it all, without having to struggle. A successful career, hobbies, family, regular holidays a social life and still be fit, healthy, and feel valued for what you do.
I have a proven system that gives women the tools and support they need to transform their mind and body and gives them the power to achieve what they want in life.
This system has become the Invincible Women Coaching Programme.
Invincible Women Coaching Programme
Invincible is a transformation coaching programme for women who want success in all areas of their life. It's totally different to anything else that you may have tried before. It' s an advanced coaching programme that will give you all of the tools and accountability that you are currently missing. We look at the emotional reasons that have stopped you from achieving what you really want and help you to re-programme your mind so that you can create powerful change and achieve success in all areas of life.
The Programme Includes
12 in depth video training modules, with accompanying notes & worksheets on how to become an Invincible woman that you can keep and refer back to.
To help you plan, do the work and reflect off-line as you work through the programme and create Invincible power.
A live weekly coaching call with a female coach to help you incorporate the Invincible Way into your life and push you to get the best results possible.
A system to track & review your progress each week, to keep you accountable and ensure you’re getting the right results.
Weekly 1:1 live hot spot experience where I will coach you through your individual obstacles and struggles.
A secret Facebook group where you can ask as many questions as you like and get support and guidance from other women like you who are on the programme, as well as extra support from me.

Our Invincible Programme is backed up by our 100% money back guarantee. If you follow the programme for 90 days, and do all of the work required but you’re not happy with the results then we will pay you
Check out some of our success stories.

It was great working with Kerry Eddie, Combined Fitness on the Invincible Mind & Body programme. I achieved some clear results in fitness, health and organisation. I definitely felt fitter and healthier and have done since, mainly down to working out what my priorities are and
how I could fit exercise and healthy eating in to my daily life. There were plenty of ideas for bite sized tasks which really made a difference, and I have felt able to carry these on after the programme finished. Working through the game plans and critical actions really helped me focus on what was important to me and what was achievable. It also made me sit down and examine why I had been making excuses and what was blocking me! I enjoyed the camaraderie of the weekly call and enjoyed the sense of purpose that working through the weekly tasks gave me. Kerry takes no prisoners but is ever so approachable and understanding and gives great feedback. Thank you!
Then Watch The Video To Find Out How The 90 Day Coaching Programme Can Help YOU
Who is the 90 Day Invincible Coaching Programme for?
Invincible is for women who are looking for powerful change, who want to feel amazing and get the best out of life
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Not ready then check out my 69 Rules To Becoming an 'Invincible Woman'
69 Rules To Becoming an Invincible Woman >>