Do you struggle to make time for your health & fitness?

Most of us are all so busy with work, children, family, house work that we don’t find time for ourselves & neglect our own health & fitness.

Where can we possibly find time for ourselves?

We can’t suddenly create an extra day in the week, so we have to make time. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Get your diary and plan in your workouts so there is no excuse for putting it off.
  2. Tell someone else your plan & your goals (partner, work colleague, friend) to make you more accountable & so that they can support you.
  3. Get up 20 minutes earlier in the morning and workout at home before you start the day. You will feel so much more energised once you have done it.
  4. Treat yourself – once a month or even just once a year with something that is just for you. It could be a weekend away, a spa day or just a quiet walk. It will help revitalise you.



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