stuck in a rut  

Back to school, back to work & back into some good habits this week. Being a former pupil, student, athlete, teacher and current athletics coach, September is the start of a new year to me. The School & athletics year goes from September to September. So August & September is a time when I reflect & evaluate how things have gone, set new targets & goals  & then put together an action plan for the coming year. For me this planning process is vital for success  at anything. The Winston Churchill saying of ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ sums it up nicely. In the last 2 months I have realised that if I am to get to where I want to be, and be happy and healthy then I needed to make  some big changes.  I have had to make some really tough decisions in order to move forwards. 


If we are to progress from year to year and get closer to where we want to be, to realise our dreams then we have to make CHANGES, we have to step out of that comfort zone, change our beliefs,  our thoughts and our actions. If nothing changes then nothing changes. We can not do the same thing over & over and expect a different result.

If we do not stop and evaluate where we are and what our beliefs and behaviours are then we just continue running on autopilot, going through the motions from day to day. We get stuck in a rut and do not move forwards. We start to accept mediocrity, we lose sight of our dreams and we do not reach our potential.

Often we need someone to help us out of this rut, to help us see what is possible, to change our thought patterns and limiting beliefs, to help us plan our route forward and support us on the journey. 

Everyone I know who has been successful has had some sort of mentor to guide and push them forward. Why waste time trying to work things out for yourself? 

I highly recommend that you go find yourself a mentor who has experience in doing what it is that you want to do or achieve. Whether that is to get a job promotion, run the London Marathon, earn six figures, lose 3 stone in weight, improve your health and well-being. Find someone who has been there, who has made mistakes & learnt from them, who can help you avoid the pitfalls.


I have coaching and business mentors who inspire me to achieve more  and help me to move forwards quicker than I could on my own. As National Coach Mentor for England Athletics, I mentor national level coaches who mentor local coaches who mentor & coach their athletes. All people seeking to better themselves.

The biggest thing that keeps us in a rut and holds most of us back is our mindset.  Our mindset is dependant on how we see ourselves, others and the world. If we do not have the right mindset then we will never achieve success with such things as our health body shape, career and wealth.  

At Combined Fitness we have a blueprint for health & fat loss success. We have programmes that work, and we can help you get your mindset where it needs to be for you to achieve your potential and be the best possible version of yourself.


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