Upper Body Blitz  35s/10s

Equipment – Mat      (Optional: Skipping rope, Step, Dumbbells, Gliders)

1) Skipping

2) Tricep Dip with leg raise (alternate legs)

3) Skipping

4) Plank & 8 Dumbell Tricep curl back R – 8 Dumbell Tricep Curl back L

5) Skipping

6) Shoulder sizzler – (rotate hips under body, then push hips forward and up) (can use feet on gliders)

7) Skipping

8.) 8 Single leg squats & bicep curl  (repeat on other leg)

9) Skipping

10) V-Sit (Hold) & Dumbbell shoulder press

11) Skipping

12) Down Dog (hands on floor, hips up & shoulder press)

13) Skipping

14) Plank – arm over the top (turn to side) & arm forward x 4 – 2 press ups   (repeat other arm)

15) 4 Press ups (on step) – hill climber  & press up x 4      (Repeat)