Super Power MIX- 20s/10s

Equipment – optional mat

    1. High knees
    2. R Curtsey lunge –  jump
    3. L Curtsey lunge –  jump
    4. One arm plank – R
    5. Burpee with 5 split jumps
    6. One arm plank- L
    7. R leg hops
    8. L leg hops
    9. Crab position toe touches
    10. Fast hill climbers
    11. Tricep dips
    12. 8 high knee runs – 8 switch lunges
    13. Burpee
    14. Reverse plank single leg rotations – R
    15. Wide to narrow jumping jacks
    16. Reverse plank single leg rotations – L
    17. 3 squats & jump
    18. Press ups
    19. Cross knee hill climbers
    20. Sprint 123 hold


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