Dumbell HIIT 45s/15s

Equipment – Dumbells, step, mat

1) 4 Shoulder Press – 4 jump backs (hands on step)

2) 4 Bicep curl & rotate out and down – 4 wide to narrow jump backs on step

3) 8 Tricep Dips (on step) –  4 corkscrew

4) 16 Pike to Plank – 16 Jack Knives

5) 4 Lateral Arm Raises – 4 jump backs (hands on step)

6) 8 Hill climbers (2 legs = 1 rep) – 8 running sprint  (2 legs = 1 rep)

7) 4 Bent over Dumbbell Row  – 4 wide to narrow burpee

8.) 8 Cross knee hill climbers – 8 running sprint (2 legs = 1 rep)

9) 4 Upright Dumbbell Row – 4 corkscrew

10) Burpee –  8 Running sprint


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