Exercising Outdoors

Yesterday the weather was brutal. Very strong icy wind, pouring rain. The grass was sodden, but that didn’t stop the FitCamp crew from turning up. The ladies were dressed for the weather and had a great invigorating workout. Several of them had comments from the other Mums in the school playground saying they must be mad doing it in this weather. As I said to them, those that make these sort of comments are just jealous that they do not have the same level of commitment to their fitness and health. Those that do would be saying “good for you and well done.”

So why do we exercising outside in our local park regardless of the weather conditions?

Firstly because we all hate working out in a confined air-conditioned gym staring at the same walls each day.

Secondly because there are so many benefits to training and exercising outdoors.

You can burn up to 20 per cent more calories training outdoors as you have to work harder to cope with uneven surfaces the wind, rain, heat and cold.

Exposure to natural sunlight is good for our health and well-being as it:

  • Provides us with essential vitamin D, which helps
  • maintain strong healthy bones.
  • Enhances our immune system; it is one of the most effective healing agents that exist.
  • Increases the production of endorphins and allows serotonin levels to rise, which can result in happier moods and a more calm and focused mental outlook.

Fresh air cleanses our lungs ridding us of the dust and impurities that we breathe in on a daily basis.
Exercising in fresh air helps us to breathe deeper and strengthens our whole respiratory system. This allows us to deliver more oxygen to our cells, giving us more energy and improved brain function. Thus helping us to think clearer, sharpen concentration and feel more energized.

Just 10 minutes of outdoor exercise every day can lead to an immediate improvement in mood, self-esteem, and physical fitness.

So if you are feeling depressed by the weather try not to hibernate away or avoid going outside as you will not be helping you mood and health. Instead wrap up warm with lots of layers and go fill your lungs with fresh air. Go for a walk, run, cycle. If you live in Cheltenham come and join us at FitCamp as it is also a fun and invigorating way to burn fat, tone up, de-stress and improve your all round fitness.

Knowing how to exercise effectively outdoors also means that you can do your routine anywhere, even when you’re away on holiday.

Win win win.

Transformation FitCamp

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