Exercise & how to stay motivated

So you have just started out on a new exercise plan positive & full of determination but after a few days or weeks your interest & motivation is fading & you are struggling to stick to your programme again.

Try these tips to help you adhere to your exercise plan

1. Set realistic, small short term goals that will lead to the bigger long term targets. Start slowly & gradually build up the amount of exercise & how hard you work..
2. Reward yourself for achieving your short term goals. (If fat loss is a goal then do not reward yourself with food- try a trip to the cinema or a massage / spa day).
3. Find a role model – someone who has the physique that you would love to have, who works hard & sticks to their fitness & lifestyle plan. (There are plenty of new Olympian role models to choose from).
4. Work with a training partner or exercise group – it is much more fun to train with someone else & they also make you more accountable. Encourage & motivate each other when the going gets tough.
5. Variety – the more variety you have the less likely you are to get bored. Find several different exercises that you enjoy & alternate them or regularly change them around in some way.
6. Find something you enjoy – try lots of new exercises & types of activity until you find the ones that you enjoy the most. If it is fun & you enjoy it you will look forward to it rather than it becoming a chore that you dread.

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