Week in & week out I get people who say to me 

 “I am eating right/ healthily, I don’t eat processed food, I eat plenty of fresh fruit & veg & I exercise but I’m not losing any weight.” The thing is  if you are not getting results then you are not eating right for fat loss. Healthy eating is the best starting point. Get healthy and fat loss often takes care of itself. However, we are all different and there is a difference between healthy eating and fat loss eating. 

If you are not getting results in fat loss, then no matter how healthy your diet  you are going to have to take it to the next level to get results. 

Your metabolic make up is different to everyone else and you need to work out your personal

fat  loss formulae (the correct mix of nutrition, exercise and lifestyle that creates fat loss) to be successful. Be  a detective not just a serial dieter jumping from one quick fix diet to the next in search of one that will really work. There is no one magic formulae, no one plan fits all. It takes time to fully uncover YOUR Formulae. Most people do not give it enough time. As I have said many times before a quick fix (7,14,21,28 day diets) are just that  “a  quick fix” a way of quickly losing weight (often this is fat & muscle – which is a disaster as we want to preserve energy burning muscle). A quick fix is great for those post holiday or Christmas weight gains but they are not sustainable fat loss methods. Do not be a yo-yo. Be that detective, educate yourself on yourself. Once you know and fully understand your metabolic type, how your body uses food for fuel and how each nutrient impacts your hormones you can successfully manipulate y our diet so that you can achieve and maintain your ideal body shape.

Our 90 day  H.E.L.P and H.E.L.P 4 Mums members have committed themselves to unlocking their fat loss formulae and are being guided and supported all the way through our ‘Yellow Brick Road Nutiriton Plan”. Those who have been with us for over a year have made some massive changes to their body shape, health & confidence. It is great to witness. For further information on how you can continue your health, fitness & fat loss journey on the ‘Yellow Brick Road Plan” contact me directly:  kerryeddie@combinedfitness.co.uk

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